Carb Day in Second Grade, you ask? By the looks of this, it may seem like it!
We put up the plastic base ten blocks, and grabbed some food to help us with place value this week. What a yummy way to learn about place value! We used saltine crackers to represent hundreds, pretzels sticks to show tens, and Cheerios for the ones place. Each student made their own placemat for place value. Then we started the fun. One did a variety of problems. I called out a number, and the students had to show me a way to represent that number using the fewest pieces of food. Then they had to show me a different way using more pieces. Students also had to read word form to show some number and expanded form. I just wrote a bunch of different problems on the smart board. Students also partnered up, and I gave them one number to show me two different ways. Of course, every now and then I would tell them to eat five Cheerios or a cracker. One of my students even told me that this was a great way to teach math! Melt my heart!