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Monday, August 11, 2014

Open House Freebie

Last year I need something for open house.  I wanted a cute way to ask for ask for supplies for the classroom so I created this freebie.  I simply copied the circles on colorful paper, cut them out, and added a Hershey's Kiss to each one.  I printed the display and put it on a black frame I had and displayed it on a table in my classroom.  I didn't take a picture, but you can put this together easily and get some of the needed supplies for your classroom and students!  The best part is you may have a little chocolate left for you to enjoy!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Ready Set SHOP!

My store will be on SALE!  

I am excited about this SALE!  I have some great items that would help you out throughout the year.  Check out some of the items and see what might fit your needs.  Happy Shopping and BTS14!