Have you heard this before???
"I am bored!"
I know after a week or two (or even a couple days) of summer vacation, the kids get restless. Those words come out of their cute little mouths, "I am bored!" So needless to say, I tried to help out the parents and give the little ones something to help solve the problem.
Each student got an envelope full of fun things to do to help with being bored. I just love the fact that I can makes copies of the envelopes on our copier. I also do this with my mystery unit for detective case files.
I also included a special note to each child.
Another find inside was a scavenger hunt. This was a special request of the kids. I think they may actually try to accomplish it since we came up with lots of it together. I also included reading stories, math games, stationary, bubbles, coupons, crayons, a reading log, and lots more.
Hope you all are having a fabulous Friday!