The second grade team I work with has been planning activities to do before Christmas. We decided to have a week of different themed days. We are having Candy Cane Day, Reindeer Day, Grinch Day, and Polar Express Day.
For Candy Cane Day, we are wearing red and white stripes. I created a few items for activities for the day.
Reindeer Day - Rudolph, Wild Christmas Reindeer, and Olive are on the agenda. We will be dressing in brown on this day too. Maybe red noses?!? I may make a few items for this day.
Grinch Day - Do I need to say more. We are making Grinch masks and dressing in green this day. I have tons of stuff for Grinch Day. One item is a freebie from I found on tpt. You can check it out
Polar Express Day - When the movie came out (8 or 9 years ago), we took our entire school to the movies. It was great!!! When we came back, bells were left for all the kids on their desks. This year we are going to wear our PJs and watch the movie together at school, eat cookies, and drink hot chocolate. I believe bells will be delivered too.
A couple of my guided reading groups have been reading Flat Stanley. We voted and decided to read Stanley's Christmas Adventure. I figured I needed to create new items and update my old Flat Stanley Unit. We are going to start
Stanley's Christmas Adventure after Thanksgiving. We have several Flat Stanley's traveling around the United States for the holidays. I just love these books!!!
I am also excited about the writing activities I have planned for the students before Christmas. I can't wait to see how their writing has improved over the last few weeks/months. I think I am going to let them decide which one to complete.
Now I need to work on math plans (money) and find some activities for using commas and possessive nouns. Any ideas???